Thursday, February 18, 2010


I've been posting alot of scrap lately and thought I'd post about life for a minute. 

Lately Patrick and Riley have been playing good together, She's starting to roll play better or maybe she's just following Patrick's intructions better.  Anyway its been nice to see. 

The other day I was so sick and Pat (DH) was still away on his trip so my wonderful parents took the kids so that I could rest (Thank you both so much!) Anyway my mom said the two of them were playing and Riley fell, she saw Patrick go over to her and help her up and and gave her a hug.  A little while later Patrick brought Riley upstairs holding her hand and told Grandma "You might want to put a band aid on Riley" and showed her Riley had scrap some of the skin off her hand.

Another little story about Patrick. His class had a 100 day of school T shirt contest.  He wanted to put his name on the shirt 100 times.  So I went straight to photoshop and typed out his name 95 times thinking I'd get him to at least write it himself 5 times. ( I did get him to do it twice)  Well he come home yesterday (the contest was pospone due to wheather) with a medal around his neck saying he was "double happy today!"  Turns out he won second place. He was double happy because he also won a stuff sheep which still had the tags on it. Well after he looked at the tag he got all excited and says "and its from the dollar store!!!" Gave it a big hug and says "I love you sheep!" LOL ahh the dollar store......

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